Netbox Inventory
Install from ansible-galaxy:
ansible-galaxy collection install netbox.netbox
plugin: netbox.netbox.nb_inventory
api_endpoint: https://netbox.domain.tld
validate_certs: True
config_context: False
# Get token from environment variable
token: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.env', 'NETBOX_TOKEN') }}"
dns_name: True
# This will create automatic groups based on the tags, cluster etc from netbox. These groups can then be used in playbooks..
- cluster
- tags
- has_primary_ip: True
#ansible_network_os: platform.slug
ansible_host: name
# Add a custom field in netbox under Other/Custom fields/SSH Username
ansible_user: custom_fields.ssh_username
ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
Test inventory
Here is an example of how to test the inventory files, this will ping all host that have the tag ssh
in netbox. And will also login with the username defined in the custom field ssh_username
Verbose inventory
To see all the groups that are created from tags, clusters etc. You can run the following command.